Saksi Mati
(DOM Aceh)
Lihat lah bagaimana kumpulan tulang- belulang kami dinistakan
Sebagi jasad pebuktian
Tidakkah lubang peluru di tengkorak kami
cukup bukti akibat dor- ran Si Pai
Sepuluh tahun tidak cukup bagi tanah keabadian
memusnakan bukti- bukti bagi tulang- tulang kami yang di patah paksa
Kulit dan daging kami memang telah menjadi tanah,
tapi bukan alasan pelarian tanggung jawab kebiadaban.
English Version :
The Dead Witness
(Territorial Military Operation : DOM Aceh)
Look how a bunch of our bones has been insulted
as the authentication body
Is the holes of bullet on our skull
not sufficient enough to prove the Pai’s* shots
Ten years are not enough for the land of eternity
Annihilate the proofs of our bones which are broken down forcefully
Our skin and flesh has indeed become soils
But that is not the reason for escaping from the responsibilities of impertinence
Yogyakarta 6 Desembar 1999
Yogyakarta, December 6th 1999

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