Tengah Hutan ku Hilang
Darah alamku alirkan air sungai pada biru muara,
Mata biasaku tak mampu terobos lebat pepohonan,
Tuk ungkap gundul hutanku di tengah belantara,
Saat anjing-anjing mengalah pada hardik babi,
Hanya tajam mata Rajawali mampu katakan ‘tengah hutanku hilang’
Maka saat itu hulu sungaiku sudah bukan lagi harapan
Hijau hutanku bukan lagi keindahan
Bila hati kita telah mati pata batu Krueng Meuh* Meulaboh.
English Version:
My center forest has got lost
My nature’s blood is wiring driver water to the blue of estuary,
My normal eyes will not capable penetrate dense trees,
To uncover my forest bald in the centre of jungle,
While dogs defeated by pig snarl,
Only sharp of arge black hawk eyes be able said ‘my centre forest got lost’
Than that moment my upper course of river has been not hope anymore
My green forest it is been not beauty anymore
When our heart have been died at the gold stones of Krueng Meuh* Meulaboh
Banda Aceh
Jum’at April 25, 2008
* Krueng Meuh = Sungai Mas (driver of gold)
My center forest had lost
Reviewed by Presiden Kacho

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