The Stupid Soul

The Stupid Soul

Jiwa- jiwa yang Bebal
Terenyuh Aku berjumpa dengan si miskin papa nan pemurah
Sebaliknya aku gusar berhadapan dengan si kaya sombong,
munafiq, pemeras, penjilat dan penakut
Ada kesamaan ketika sejenak berpapasan dengan si penguasa yang zalim,
Menari-nari di balik tabir penderitaan rakyat,
bersembunyi di balik gunungan tulang- belulang hasil pembantaian,
pesta anggur pemabukan di genangan darah rakyat
hasil pelampiasan nafsu kekuasaan dan kerakusan
Kembali ku gusar, ketika kesadaran menjadi benda yang teramat mahal.
Hingga si kaya pun telah takut papa untuk mendapatkannya
Dan si miskin terjerat diperaduan palsu kenistaan
Kemana lagi harus ku bawa bahasa suci ini demi bebas nya jiwa- jiwa yang terjerat tali kebebalan
Yogyakarta 18 November 1999
english version:
The Stupid Soul
I am always touched to meet poor but generous people
In reverse it always makes me angry to face the arrogant richer, hypocrite, exploiter, bootlicker, and cowards
There is similarity when I once meet the evil ruler, who dances,
behind the layer of the people suffer, hides behind the mount of slaughtered bones, the party of drunken wine in the puddle of people’s blood
Resulted from the released passion of power and greediness
I am angry again, when the consciousness become the most valuble thing of which the rich are afraid of being poor if they get it.
And the poor is then trapped down in the counterfeit bed of stigma
Where to bring this holy language for the sake of freedom of the souls which are tied by the rope of foolishness
Yogyakarta November 18th 1999
The Stupid Soul The Stupid Soul Reviewed by Presiden Kacho on 01.22 Rating: 5

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