Dan musik pun tak lagi merdu disaat regean hujan belum juga reda
Dan alunan syair- syair lagu pun tak lagi indah di telinga sang bumi
Ketika sang jagat mulai angkuh dengan keperkasaannya
Tergeletak layu mawar di hati
Laksana rembulan tergilas surya
Bekukan niat ‘ntuk ber-sua
Ribuan juta bintang menjuntai tangan berhasrat menari dimalam jula
Menikmati fenomena angkasa dan mabuk bersama anggur jagat bermesra
bersama gulita
Berdansa dalam panggung awan dan disinari lampu bintang
Dari arah pintu angin utara ia menjelma
Sesosok mawar jingga tertusuk duri rana duka
Terbawa harum hembusan angin
Melanglang layang tak tentu arah
Semburat kata menyesal terngiang kembali
Adalah sisa sebuah jelmaan kata.
Tanpa ada yang bisa mengubahnya kembali
Dan jika ada yang berkata hari ini bumi dalam bahagia maka akulah alam dalam
keadaan luka.
Yogyakarta 10 Desember 1995
English Version:
There is Nothing
And music is no longer beautiful when the sound ofrain not yet ends
And the series oflyrics do not sound beautifully through the earth’s ear
When the world becomes pround of its power
The rose lies down and wilts in the heart
Like the moon ground down by the sun
Freezing the wish to meet
Thousands million of star dangles hands arouse to dance in the night dangling
Enjoy the space phenomenon and got drunk with wines all over the world to intimate
with darkness
From the door of the North He assumes a form
A piece of bright orange rose bitten by a sorrowful thorn
Brought by the fragrance of the wind
Roaming without any destination
A disperse of regretful words heard again
is as residues of the converted word
Without anything can change it back
And if someone says todaythe earth is in happiness then it is me who is I am the nature
in the injured condition
Yogyakarta, Desember 10th1995
There is Nothing
Reviewed by Presiden Kacho
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